Monday, August 16, 2010

Week 2 post op

The weekend went well. We made a quick trip back to the hospital because a large knot appeared above Jerry's chest incision. They said this is normal & should go back down over time. Jerry attended church yesterday morning & ate breakfast with friends but that wiped him out for the rest of the day. He has good days & bad days but he is getting stronger. He gets a little frustrated with how quickly he gets tired after basic tasks but that is normal and will get better as we go along. Our dog Buddy has been wonderful with Jerry. He won't leave his side & appears to sense that he needs to be careful around him. Buddy nudged Jerry to the door today...carrying his favorite toy & wanting to play lol so Jerry gave in & went outside with him for about 5 minutes...Buddy was so excited. I thought everyone might enjoy seeing a pic of them. Thanks for the continued calls, texts, cards & gifts. Jerry still isn't strong enough to talk on the phone very much but I'm sure he will be in touch with all of you soon. We hope everyone has a blessed day.


Holly Harle said...

It's great to see you, Jerry, out in the sunshine with Buddy! Obviously you are working hard at recovery and doing a great job. (And same goes for Barbara and the kids!) Please keep the photos and good news coming.
- Holly : )

Sheri Mahalick said...

Awww...that's so sweet! Dogs are great, aren't they? thanks for the update; glad to hear improvements are steadily happening~

Anonymous said...

Hello Jerry,
Glad to hear your coming along and soon will be at full strength before you know it. My lab is 12, Casey, and all I have to do is look in her eyes to be reminded that sometimes it's just that simple. Speedy recovery.
John Laurice

Anonymous said...

Stronger everyday!!! That's a great story about Buddy. Brought tears to my eyes. Miss ya...

The Hillbilly

Oklahoma Heart Institute

1265 South Utica Avenue
Tulsa, OK 74104-4243
(918) 592-0999