Friday, August 13, 2010

A Personal Message From Jerry

I wanted to take a quick moment while I had a little strength to personally thank each and every friend and family member who has helped me to appreciate the value of love, kindness, faith and the overall greatness of the human spirit during what has been a critical turning point for me and my family!

For the wife who never left my side, I am humbled to have made such a great choice, so long ago, in asking you to be my best friend! Your commitment to me during this difficult moment means you took your "vows" very seriously...for better or worse, in sickness and health. I love you now more than ever before. I will forever be unable to articulate the strength that you have shown to me. I admire you so dearly.

For those 3 great kids of mine that have been so strong, for so long, Dad loves you so much! You let me know through this that maybe I'm doing something right as a father.

For all the countless calls, texts, and emails offering your support, I owe you a debt of gratitude that I cannot repay.

For the weary travelers who came so far to be here just so that I felt their support, my love for you is immeasurable.

For the countless prayers from so many friends that crossed a wide variety of religious beliefs, I believe it's safe to say that you reached God on my behalf. I will continually ask Him to richly bless your lives.

For those that camped out for days at the hospital providing my family with so much support, you are the salt of the earth.

For all the many flowers, gifts, cards, "treats" and otherwise, I wish you to know that they all seem to come at a point when a special lift was so important.

I look forward to reaching out to each and everyone once my strength returns, to thank you in person. For now, I send my sincerest love and gratitude to "life changing" friends!

1 comment:

Karen said...

I Love You Brother and I would do it again in a heart beat!!!

Oklahoma Heart Institute

1265 South Utica Avenue
Tulsa, OK 74104-4243
(918) 592-0999